21 Statistics that Prove the Indelible Power of Digital Marketing

As a small, local marketing agency in Wilmington, our team understands the importance of growing your small business in a sustainable way. There are endless opportunities for a business to lose money, so spending hard-earned dollars on marketing can feel like a big gamble. This feeling is only magnified if the return on investment was unclear from past efforts, like digital ads or sponsored content. Plus, there’s always the state of the economy.

According to a report from Constant Contact, 81% of the SMBs are concerned that the current economy could negatively impact their businesses.

So, it makes sense if you’re scared to dip your toe back into the so-called marketing waters. But we think the most powerful way to untap new potential and widen the reach of your brand is through digital marketing.

In this post, we’ll look at the latest data that highlights just how powerful digital marketing can be for businesses of all sizes. We’ll dive into the following areas:

  • General digital marketing statistics
  • Online advertising statistics
  • Social media marketing statistics
  • SEO statistics
  • Website statistics

Ready to feel the power? Let’s start by getting an overview of the state of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Statistics for 2024 

Online Advertising Statistics 

Social Media Marketing Statistics 

SEO Statistics 

Website Statistics 

Use these Statistics to Inform Your Digital Marketing Strategy 

Statistics like the ones above can make the decision to incorporate digital marketing into your business much easier. It’s possible to take heart when the successes others have experienced are made more concrete. The best part: you don’t have to be a marketer to get great results or see an impressive ROI! On the other hand, you’re busy running a business. It can be tough to balance it all once you add marketing on your plate. If you can relate to that, maybe it’s time to consider letting local digital marketing experts handle it for you.

At Sage Island, our team gets to know what makes your business tick. We work directly with you to create custom tactics that drive the results you’re looking for. You won’t find junk leads here. We tap into the right audiences, driving more customers to your business than ever. From online advertising to blog posts and website makeovers, we’ve got your Wilmington small business covered.

Fill out this form or call us today at 910-509-7475 for a free consultation! We’re ready to make waves with you.

Let's Make Waves!