Eight Signs your Website Needs a Makeover

Everyone has different opinions when it comes to determining the timing for a website revamp. Some say every few years, while others believe every decade is acceptable. Because the internet changes at lightning speed, it’s essential to keep up with new trends and technologies.

As a full marketing agency that has developed dozens of sites for clients every year, we have picked up some critical distinctions between what’s considered acceptable and what is outdated. Sometimes the signs are very apparent, while others can only be seen by the trained eye. Have you been questioning your website’s visual appeal and organization? Read on to find out if your website needs an update – here are eight signs.

The copyright year is not current.

If the copyright year in your website’s footer says anything less than our current year, chances are you haven’t updated your website for at least ten months. When the copyright begins to fall behind the times, you’re communicating to viewers that your website hasn’t changed and that it’s not a priority.

Searchers who find your company may conclude that the information isn’t fresh or modern and will decide to leave without a second glance. An outdated copyright is a good sign that you should consider looking over your pages and determine if a website redesign is an option.

Your website is over five years old.

There is a “magic number” for how old a website should be before a redesign, but it’s usually around the same time that you’re checking up on how it stands. A renovated website uses the newest programming techniques and design trends. It’s only a matter of time before better programs or approaches come out that will make your website stand out from the rest.

One of the best ways to stay informed of changes going on around you is by looking at your competitors. If you see something on their website that you know would be great on yours, it’s time to revise!

Your website is not responsive.

A responsive website means having a site coded to acclimate to all screen sizes, no matter what device is displaying the site. We no longer live in a world where accessing the internet is done only through a desktop computer. When it comes to mobile device usage in the United States, 56% use their smartphones to access the internet, and 29% use their tablets. These numbers will only continue to increase each year. Desktops and laptops aren’t going away anytime soon, but making your website responsive to new devices is necessary.

Check to see if you have a responsive website by simply accessing it from a different device and see what it looks like. If your pages are disorganized, unreadable, and loading slow, it’s time to go responsive.

You have a branding disconnect.

It isn’t unusual for a company’s branding to evolve. Perhaps you’ve decided to go in a new direction, you have a unique opportunity, or your team has decided to shake things up. Your target audience has likely changed along with some of their services or products.

Whatever the reason, your website must reflect the story your business is trying to tell and that the brand identity is consistent across all your platforms so customers can get to know you and start to trust you. If you’re run a successful campaign on Facebook, or you’ve seen great results with a neighborhood letter-drop, update your website to match. Brand recognition is an underrated but critical aspect of marketing.

Content does not match services.

Think about everything your company offers to customers. On top of any rebranding, does your website include all the services you provide? If you have expanded, added a new department, or no longer offer a service, your website should reflect that.

Think about all of the opportunities you’re missing if viewers are uninformed of what you actually have to offer. There is nothing more awkward than having to explain to a potential customer that you no longer offer a service, even though it’s still on your website. Maintain your customer loyalty and dependability by updating your content regularly.

No social media presence.

Let’s face it; our world revolves around social media and the art of online conversation. The fact is social signals play a significant role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) Search engines are now measuring social activity and engagement when determining search results and ranking factors. If you want people talking about your company and services, you need to be active on social media platforms.

When it comes to online marketing, 93% of businesses are currently using social media. It has become the number one way to get in front of customers and speak to your demographic. Social media is an excellent opportunity to generate leads, promote marketing initiatives, and drive traffic to your website. Some businesses are thriving using a single platform, while others thrive on several. Regardless of your decision, consider improving your online presence by joining the rest of the world on social media.

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Your SEO is non-existent.

SEO is a vital piece of any successful digital marketing campaign. If your website is not ranking well on search engines, and people are having a hard time finding it, that is a serious sign that you need a redesign. Done right, this is an easy win; done wrong, and you’re wasting a great resource. Some things you can do to improve your SEO include:

  • Produce high-quality content and use keywords.
  • Improve page loading speed.
  • Ensure your site is secure.
  • Optimize your images.
  • Utilize inbound and outbound links.

Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can set and forget because search engine algorithms change frequently. Dedicating some consistent time to staying up-to-date will eventually pay some big dividends.

Broken Links

Nothing is more frustrating than clicking on a broken link. If someone is viewing your website and runs into error pages, it can be a real turn off. Many business owners believe that loyal customers will overlook poorly maintained websites, but unfortunately, that’s just not true!

Fixing internal page links is the first step. Reviewing external links is the second. Unfortunately, you cannot control when an external website you’re linking to has broken pages, but you can unlink them if they no longer work. Correcting broken links is a simple process, and in the long run, it’s an easy fix that your customers will greatly appreciate.

If your website has fallen under any of these warning signs, it is time to make some changes. Whether you need a small cleanup or an entire site makeover, Sage Island’s savvy team of programmers, designers, and social media marketers understand what it takes to build a fully functional, optimal website.

Contact Sage Island if you’re ready to wow your customers with a dynamic website and build your online and social media presence.

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