Surf’s Up

Where we share advice on advertising, branding, digital marketing, lead generation, social media marketing, and website design

How Setting Marketing Goals Can Help You Find Success

How Setting Marketing Goals Can Help You Find Success

Goals are an essential component of your marketing strategy. They set the direction for what needs to happen for your product or service to perform well in their market. In addition, they are the foundation of the plan you build to help you get there. Unfortunately,...

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Marketing Materials for MMEP Flooring Markets

Marketing Materials for MMEP Flooring Markets

Where do flooring retailers, manufacturers, distributors, interior designers, and builders go for the industry's best flooring products? The Flooring Markets tradeshows, of course!Unfortunately, because of the global pandemic, things have changed for tradeshows. So,...

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Evolution Dance Complex

Evolution Dance Complex

Evolution Dance Complex is a professionally managed dance studio providing exceptional instruction in ballet, acro, lyrical, jazz, hip hop, tap, and more. The EDC team has extensive experience in various dance styles and instruction techniques and is dedicated to...

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Neighbors of Landfall Realty Splash Page

Neighbors of Landfall Realty Splash Page

Landfall Realty is a tight-knit team of real estate brokers with 100 years of combined real estate experience. They are Landfall specialists, here to specifically broker homes for sale in the highly sought-after community of Landfall here in Wilmington, NC. One of...

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Eight Signs your Website Needs a Makeover

Eight Signs your Website Needs a Makeover

Everyone has different opinions when it comes to determining the timing for a website revamp. Some say every few years, while others believe every decade is acceptable. Because the internet changes at lightning speed, it's essential to keep up with new trends and...

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Five Winning SEO Strategies

Five Winning SEO Strategies

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique used to assure that customers searching for a product or service can easily find a company's website. Just as a physical location is essential for brick-and-mortar businesses, search engine rankings are...

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